TCYC is pleased to sponsor two members for the upcoming Club Judge Seminar in Anacortes. Please reply to this email to be considered for sponsorship and let us know why you'd like to participate. The successful candidate will be chosen at the executive meeting on February 5th. Upon confirmation of attendance and completion of the exam, TCYC will reimburse the cost of the course and US Sailing membership, value $95 USD.
Please see the details below and contact the Fleet Captain to register your interest or for more information.
A Club Judge Seminar is planned for February 28 at the Anacortes WA Yacht Club. The details are on the following page.
Canadian judges who want to become certified by Sail Canada may take this seminar and test for their qualification. Existing within the Sail Canada Judges program there is the option to take a seminar and test provided by another MNA (member national authority - the controlling body for sailing in a country) and have that be used by the SC program as an equivalent to a Canadian seminar.
If you wish to become seriously involved in judging or took a Club Judge Seminar sometime in the past and didn’t pass the test or continue with certification you can use this as
an opportunity to restart your program. The travel distance is acceptable and the program is only one full day. There are lots of benefits of meeting the requirement to join
US Sailing that more than offset the small cost.
I have used this approach myself in obtaining and renewing my certification and know the instructors well. We are sending this notice to people who have expressed interest in judging in the past and to Fleet Captains in BC Yacht Clubs to pass on to members who may have an interest in judging.
Lorne Chapman (National Judge)
US Sailing Club Judge Seminar
Saturday, February 28th, 2015
This is a US Sailing One Day Club Judge Seminar required for initial certification as a US Sailing Club Judge. Some protest committee experience is helpful, but not required. The objectives of the club judge program are to improve the quality, consistency and fairness of protest hearings and results, at the club level.
Pre-Registration is required. Deadline is Monday February 23rd Check-in begins at 800 and the seminar will begin at 830 and last until approximately 1700. Topics in the club judge program include: deriving a set of facts from testimony, managing a hearing with proper procedures,
applying applicable rules, and arriving at conclusions and a decision. The seminar will concentrate on three areas of development: Mock Hearings, Part 2 rules, Part 5 and Appendix M rules. Testing is on-line after the seminar on your own within 9 days.
Instructors: The head instructor for this seminar is Charlie Macaulay, Judge. Charlie has lead a number of seminars over the years. Charlie is a member of the PIYA Appeals Committee and was Regional Administrative Judge and has served as a member of the US Sailing Judges Committee. Co-instructor is Wayne Balsiger, Judge and the Regional Administrative Judge for Area L, a member of the US Sailing Judges Committee and a member of the PIYA Appeals
Where: Anacortes Yacht Club 611 Rotary Park Lane, Anacortes, WA 98221
Time: Check-in 800, Seminar 830 - 1700
Cost: Cost of the seminar and exam is $45.00. This includes continental breakfast, lunch, beverages, handout materials and test processing.
US Sailing membership is required to attend this seminar. US Sailing Special Introductory Membership is $50.00 for those who are joining for the first time (1 year SIM). Membership must be activated before the seminar. You may enrol online @ today:
If you need assistance, please contact the US Sailing Membership Department, 401.683.0800. A requirement of certification is to own a copy of the US Sailing Judges Manual (electronic copy is fine). This manual is not required for the seminar.
What to Bring: You need to have the current The Racing Rules of Sailing for the seminar Study Materials: An online presentation of the Rules of Part 2 needs to be viewed prior to attending the seminar. A link to this review and other information about the Club Judge Program can found as part of the registration process.
Advanced registration is required. Registration and payment by February 23rd is on the Judge Seminar Calendar
For additional information about the Seminar, please contact Chris White, Questions regarding registration please email or 401-683-0800 x640.