Last Chance Regatta
This is a fantastic event to enter and everyone is welcome. The TCYC Last Chance Regatta is on Saturday, October 19th. This is your last chance to make up for some of your mistakes made over the summer or to really cement your racing dominance - or more perhaps to shake off the rust and see what you have forgotten. At the very least it is the last chance for us to pretend it's still summer and get a few more mark roundings in.
We plan a day full of short, round the cans races on varied courses to keep you on your toes. This is a great chance for everyone to practice for the upcoming Snowflake series or to tune-up your new crew for VRC's Polar Bear series.
Maybe you don't want to race, or don't have a boat - why not volunteer for Race Committee? Contact to volunteer!
Registration closes at 20:00 on October 18th, so register today!
Tiddly Cove Yacht Club's 50th Anniversary Cocktail Gala!
Steamworks Brewing, 875 Water St.
Saturday, November 2nd 2024
Tickets $45.00 per person
Gather together with both past and present members to celebrate the fact that our little yacht club is still alive and thriving after 50 years. 50 years of hosting social happenings, educational speakers, racing and the ever popular after parties. Imagine all of the different members, executives and Commodores who have gone through the club at some time or other and whose efforts are directly responsible for all of us getting to enjoy our membership this year.
What do I have to do I purchase tickets?
Register on this page!
What if I want to attend but wish to wait to purchase my tickets?
Important! We need you to email before October 2nd with your intent to purchase tickets and how many you will need.
How can I help?
We are on the lookout, trying to find past members of Tiddly Cove and have them join us on November 2nd. You can help by contacting any past members and make them aware of the 50th Anniversary Party.
I’m a fairly new member and don’t know any past members, but would still like to help out. How?
We are putting together a committee who will be responsible everything to do with the Gala. If you like to plan and organize then we would welcome your input.
Thank you for taking the time to read and respond……
T.C.Y.C. Executive
More details to come soon, but secure your spot early so to not miss out!