April Special Information Session
Information on important racing changes that will affect TCYC
As you probably know False Creek Yacht Club will no longer be running Thursday night races in Vancouver. Kits Yacht Club has stepped up and will be taking on Thursday night racing. There is a catch though... these races will only be open to KYC members. This leaves out the casual racer and those who want to try racing out without significant commitment. This runs counter to the TCYC mandate of supporting a broad based and vibrant racing community in Vancouver.
It also could pose an existential threat to Tiddly Cove Yacht Club. Many of us in the club are members primarily as it provides a low cost no BS membership in a sanctioned Yacht Club and allows us to race. Yes we are active socially and have tons of cruising stuff going on, but the primary driver is racing. There is a concern amongst the TCYC executive that the actions of KYC will lead to members leaving TCYC to join KYC, particularly if they are dedicated Thursday night racers.
We need to hear from you. We need to plan for the future. Do we carry on as we are now and hope that we can maintain our membership? Do we challenge KYC head on and run our own Thursday night series or do we look at other options, perhaps more drastic, that ensure the continuation of TCYC and a vibrant racing scene in Vancouver?
Doors open at 7 PM meeting at 730.